Gardening Houseplants Types of Houseplants

How to Grow and Care for Fishtail Palm

caryota palm closeup

The Spruce / Krystal Slagle 

Fishtail palms are famous for their large and uniquely shaped leaves. The fan-like, rough-edged foliage closely resembles the tail fin of a fish, which is where the name originates. These eye-catching palms are not winter-hardy and can only be grown outdoors in USDA zones 8 to 11, but they also make a statement as a large houseplant. They thrive in moist, humid conditions and require any amount of light. Its only strict requirement is that it needs well-drained soil. Fishtail palm berries contain oxalates and are toxic to pets and humans.

Common Name Fishtail palm
Botanical Name Caryota
Family Arecaceae
Plant Type Tree
Mature Size 6-10 ft. tall (indoors), 40-50 ft. tall (outdoors), 3-6 ft. wide (indoors), 10-30 ft. wide (outdoors)
Sun Exposure Full, partial
Soil Type Loamy, sandy, moist but well-drained
Soil pH Neutral
Bloom Time Summer
Flower Color Purple
Hardiness Zones 8-11 (USDA)
Native Area Asia
Toxicity Toxic to pets and humans

Fishtail Palm Care

Here are the main care requirements for growing a fishtail palm:

  • Give them lots of bright indirect light and warm temperatures between 65 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit to mimic their native habitat. Palms grown indoors struggle with insufficient light.
  • Plant them in well-draining soil and keep the soil slightly damp at all times. It's tough to maintain the warm, wet growing conditions indoor palms require.
  • When grown as houseplants, give them sufficient space. Indoors, fishtail palms grow 6 to 10 feet tall.
  • During the growing season, feed them monthly with a liquid fertilizer formulated for palm trees.
caryota palm indoors
The Spruce / Krystal Slagle 
fishtail-shaped fronds of the caryota palm
The Spruce / Krystal Slagle  


Fishtail palms thrive in bright indirect light. These trees naturally grow among taller palms that filter light and provide protection from direct sun in the heat of the day. Place them near a window that receives morning sun followed by indirect light the rest of the day.


These palms require moist, well-draining soil. Choose a cactus mix or create your own well-draining soil by adding horticultural sand into some potting soil. This supports moisture retention in the soil without making it soggy.


Providing an environment with adequate moisture is key, but avoid overwatering. Ideally, the soil should stay slightly damp, neither dry nor soggy. Water every few days or whenever the soil feels dry to the touch. Timing will vary depending on your humidity levels and indoor temperature. Test the soil with a moisture meter or by poking a finger in about an inch. If damp soil clings to your fingertip, wait for another day then check again. 

Temperature and Humidity

A range of 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal for fishtail palms. Keep indoor plants away from harsh drafts and air vents. Humidity levels of 50 percent or higher can help meet this palm's moisture requirements. You may need to add a humidifier near the plant, mist the leaves, or set the pot on a tray of moist pebbles.


Fishtail palms respond well to fertilizer given each month during their growing season. For best results, use a liquid fertilizer specifically designed for palms. To avoid fertilizer burn, be sure to water the plant before fertilizing. For the amount of fertilizer to use for each application, follow product label instructions.

Types of Fishtail Palms

  • Caryota mitis: This is the most common and popular houseplant variety and it's also known as the clustering fishtail palm because it produces suckers.
  • Caryota mitis ‘Variegata': This cultivar of the popular fishtail palm has lime green leaves with yellow and white striping.
  • Caryota obtusa: With a common name of giant fishtail palm, this variety can reach heights of 60 to 100 feet. Because of their large nature, these palms are not usually kept as indoor plants. 
  • Caryota no: This variety is native to the island of Borneo, and produces one large, grey-brown trunk. 


Once established, fishtail palms grow fast, 1 to 2 feet per year but they do not require regular pruning. The only time you may need to prune is if you want to reduce the size or remove dead foliage. Trim away any dead foliage and snip the tops off of the stalks that have grown too tall. These palms produce new growth at the tops of the stalks, so this will prevent the plant from growing taller. 

Propagating Fishtail Palms 

If the variety of fishtail palm you have is a suckering variety, it can easily be propagated through divisions. You will need gloves, a pair of snips, a handheld shovel, and a pot for the division. (The pot's size should correspond to the size of the sucker and the length and amount of its roots.) Then follow these instructions: 

  1. Fill the bottom of a new pot with well-draining soil. 
  2. With your gloves, gently pull the palm out of its pot. You may need the handheld shovel for this. 
  3. Once removed shake away excess dirt so you can clearly see the roots. 
  4. There should be a natural division between the mother plant and its suckers. Gently pull and separate the plants. If the roots are too tangled, use the snips to cut through them. 
  5. Plant each division into its own pot and cover the roots with well-draining soil. 
  6. Water each well, allowing the excess water to drain away.

Potting and Repotting Fishtail Palms 

Fishtail palms like being a bit root-bound, so they do not need to be repotted often. Every couple of years should suffice. They are ready to be repotted once the plant has completely filled the container, roots are coming out of the drainage holes, or the palm’s growth is stunted. 

To repot, gently tip the palm on its side and tap the pot to loosen the roots. Slide the palm out, and place it in a container that is just one size larger. This will give it room to grow without too much extra space for water to collect.


Keeping your palm indoors means that there isn’t much you need to do to overwinter it. Simply withhold fertilizer and monitor the soil moisture levels. It may not require as much water during this time. Fishtail palms kept outside during warmer months should be brought inside when temperatures drop to around 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

Common Pests and Plant Diseases

Fishtail palms are often affected by scale and spider mites. Use insecticidal soaps or oils to control the problem.

Just like other houseplants, indoor fishtail palms can also be affected by fungal leaf spot. This is usually not a fatal disease. It can be prevented and treated with good plant hygiene and the use of fungicides.

Fishtail palms planted outdoors are susceptible to lethal yellowing disease, a bacterial problem spread by planthoppers and resulting in yellowing tissue from the tips of the fronds to the base of the trunk. Palms will die within months of showing symptoms. The disease can be controlled through antibiotics professionally injected into the trunks of these palms.

How to Get Fishtail Palms to Bloom

Bloom Months

Outdoors, fishtail palms bloom in the summer months. Indoor plants typically do not flower but they still add a tropical touch to any space.

What Does Fishtail Palm Flowers Look and Smell Like?

Fishtail palms produce unusual small pinkish-purple flowers with striking yellow stamens clustered on long, dangling panicles that look similar to a colorful string mop. The flowers attract hummingbirds and other pollinators but may not have a discernable scent.

How to Encourage More Blooms

Unfortunately, fishtail palms rarely bloom when kept indoors. If you wish to encourage your palm to flower, your best bet would be to place it outdoors.

Be sure the plant receives warm temperatures, plenty of sunshine, and ample humidity levels. During its growing season, fertilize it monthly to ensure it has all the necessary nutrients needed to bloom.

Caring for Fishtail Palm After It Blooms

It is a unique blooming plant in that, unlike other palms, it is monocarpic: After the tree finishes blooming, the entire trunk will die. However, However, this palm's flowering period often spans five to seven years.

Suckering varieties of fishtail palm continue to produce more suckers, meaning you won’t be without a plant when the trunk dies after blooming. But some varieties only produce a single trunk, and therefore the whole tree dies after blooming. 

Common Problems With Fishtail Palms

Fishtail palms are generally problem-free, though they may present the gardener with some issues occasionally. Here are some common problems you may encounter and how you can fix them. 

Yellowing Foliage

Yellowing foliage may be a sign of not enough moisture, usually due to low humidity. If you have a humidity gauge, be sure to check the percentage. If it is low, try adding a humidifier near the plant, place the pot on top of a pebble tray, or begin misting the leaves daily. 

Browning Foliage

If the edges of the leaves turn brown, the cause is most likely a lack of humidity or insufficient watering. The air in most homes, especially during the winter, is too dry for fishtail palms. You can either use a humidifier to increase the humidity or mist the plants once or twice every day. The other possibility is underwatering the plant.

Soggy or Wilting Foliage

This is a sign of wet soil. Soggy soil can lead to root rot, so it is important to fix this problem quickly. Withhold water until the soil begins to dry. If the soil is very wet, you may need to repot with a better draining mix, such as cactus soil or a mix of soil and sand. 

  • Where's the best planting location for a fishtail palm?

    Preferably, place a fishtail palm in a location that gets bright, indirect light indoors or full to partial sun (four to six hours of sun a day) outdoors. Fishtail palms can grow in shady areas, as long as the soil is well-draining.

  • Do fishtail palms spread?

    Some varieties only produce a single trunk, while others, such as Caryota mitis, can spread by producing suckers. Because of this palm’s suckering habit, the plant has been placed in the "caution" category on the Assessment Invasive Species list for South Florida but it is not considered a problem.

  • How hardy are fishtail palms?

    Fishtail palms are not very hardy for outdoor planting although they can tolerate a very light frost. Keep fishtail palms as an indoor plant in colder climates.

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  1. Oxalates. Pet Poison Helpline.

  2. Caryota mitis. North Carolina Cooperative Extension.

  3. Caryota mitis. University of Florida.

  4. Fishtail Palms. San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance, Animals and Plants.