How to Deal With Orchid Root Rot

Pruning off damaged orchid roots

The Spruce / Michele Lee

Project Overview
  • Working Time: 1 hr
  • Total Time: 1 - 2 wks
  • Skill Level: Beginner
  • Estimated Cost: $0

Early signs of orchid root rot can be subtle, with the underlying problem often found in the bottom of the pot. Roots appear brown and mushy or dark in color, flat, dried out, and lacking turgidity. Orchids are susceptible to fungal infections that can damage roots. Often, though, root rot is the result of a maintenance error; overwatering, poor drainage, or poor air circulation around the roots. The good news is, in almost all cases when caught early, root rot can be eliminated and the orchid can survive.

Signs of Orchid Root Rot

Any time stems, leaves, or aerial roots start to look limp or pale, the best place to start is to remove the orchid from its pot and examine the roots. Rotten roots are discolored, brown or black, soft, mushy, and flat (lost turgidity.) Healthy roots should be swollen and firm, and green or silvery gray-green with a darker tip.

Early signs of root rot may present as flower buds that drop before they open or withering yellowish leaves. Dark, sunken spots may appear on the foliage. The plant may be stunted, show no signs of new growth, or fail to bloom entirely. Each of these problems can be chalked up to any number of causes, but one of the easiest ways to find out what's wrong is to first examine the roots.

What You'll Need

Equipment / Tools

  • Sharp cutting tool


  • Orchid pot with good drainage holes
  • Loose potting materials
  • Spray bottles
  • Orcid Fungicide
  • Isopropyl alcohol


Materials needed to deal with orchid root rot

The Spruce / Michele Lee

How to Fix Orchid Root Rot

Once you've identified root rot, you need to repair the damage by pruning out roots that are no longer viable. To return the orchid to full, good health, follow up with adjustments to its care schedule.

  1. Before Pruning Water Thoroughly

    Orchid roots, even those that are partially dried out or discolored can still feed the plant. A thorough watering 24 hours before pruning plumps up the roots, which helps you determine where to prune and how much to remove.

    Run tepid water run through the pot for one minute. Drain off excess and leave the orchid to sit for 24 hours. If you've removed it from the pot, soak the roots by submerging them in a small container of water until they start to plump up, Avoid wetting the foliage.


    Working with wet roots can promote fungal infections. Make sure they dry before handling.

    Watering the orchid thoroughly under the faucet before pruning

    The Spruce / Michele Lee

  2. Remove the Orchid From its Pot

    Gently grasp the main stem at the base. If your orchid has several stems or pseudobulbs, support the entire plant with one hand and turn the pot upside down. The orchid should slide out easily in your hand.

    If the medium is tightly packed and the plant rootbound, remove some of the potting material by hand, or gently shake the pot to release loose material.

    If the orchid pot has extra cutouts with healthy aerial roots protruding, carefully slide the roots back through the holes to avoid damaging them.

    Removing the orchid from its pot

    The Spruce / Michele Lee

  3. Remove Excess Planting Material

    Lay the orchid on a clean, flat surface and use your fingers to lightly comb the roots to separate and remove any clinging material.

    Removing any excess planting material from the orchid

    The Spruce / Michele Lee

  4. Prune Damaged Roots

    Separate roots that are no longer viable from the main stem(s). Use a cutting tool to make a clean, concise cut at the base of the root. Clean your tool with a quick spray of isopropyl alcohol after each cut.

    Cut back partially damaged roots until you see healthy tissue. Treat cuts with a fungicide for orchids.


    Yellow roots are not uncommon, especially in the center of a tightly packed pot. Don't assume that a yellow root is a sick root.

    Pruning damaged roots from an orchid

    The Spruce / Michele Lee

  5. Spray the Roots with Fungicide (Optional)

    A quick spray of the roots with a fungicide before repotting is optional but may encourage your orchid to recover.

    Spraying the orchid roots with fungicide

    The Spruce / Michele Lee

  6. Repot with Fresh Material

    Examine the pot for signs of fungus or salt residue (white, chalky patches.) Clean, sterilize and dry the pot, or choose a new pot, then repot the orchid using fresh materials.

    If aerial roots are present and growing in an upward direction, don't try to force them back down into the pot. Make sure rhizomes are covered but avoid covering up any new buds growing on lower canes or stems.

    Preparing to repot the orchid in a new pot

    The Spruce / Michele Lee

  7. Allow the Orchid to Recover

    Give the orchid several days, up to a week, to recover before resuming a normal watering schedule. Withhold fertilizer until you see signs of new growth indicated by an emergent leaf or root.

    Allowing the orchid time to recover

    The Spruce / Michele Lee

How to Prevent Orchid Root Rot

Prevent root rot by keeping an adequate, consistent care schedule for your type of orchid. Find out about the growing conditions in its native environment and try to replicate daytime and nighttime temperatures, humidity, and type and amount of light.

Getting the watering schedule right is essential. Most varieties go through a rest period following bloom and require less frequent watering when not actively growing. Potted orchids must have good drainage holes and should never be allowed to sit in water.

Make sure that there's good aeration in the potting medium as well. Orchid roots need adequate airflow and oxygen to remain healthy.

Moving air is also essential for orchids, especially epiphytic varieties with aerial roots that take nutrients from the air. Air circulation can be improved by installing a fan or humidifier.

Avoid handling your orchid during bloom. Instead, wait until after bloom to inspect it and tend to any pruning and repotting.


If even after treating the root rot, the roots continue to die off and you are unsure of the cause, isolate the orchid and contact your local greenhouse grower or extension agent for expert advice.

  • Can you cut off rotten orchid roots?

    Yes, you can cut off rotten orchid roots with a sharp, sterilized tool; spray it with a 10 percent isopropyl alcohol solution between cuts. Remove roots at the base that have lost all firmness or turned dark. Roots that still show healthy color should be cut back to healthy tissue. Treat cuts with hydrogen peroxide.

  • How do I know if a root has gone bad?

    Orchid roots should be green, to silvery green in color and plump with just a slight give when pressed. Roots that are mushy, dried out, or flat are no longer viable and can lead to infections and pests.

  • Are rotten roots common for orchids?

    Root rot can occur with any plant. Due to their specialized growing requirements and the fact that many are kept indoors in non-native environments, errors in orchid care often lead to damaged roots and rot.