Gardening Houseplants Types of Houseplants

How to Grow Heliconia (Lobster Claw) Indoors

lobster claw plant

The Spruce / Gyscha Rendy

Heliconia is a tropical plant known for its bright, colorful bracts from which clusters of flowers emerge.

The inflorescences slightly resemble bird of paradise blooms in some species. It's possible to keep heliconia as a houseplant in temperate regions, but these plants are not ideal for indoor growing due to their large size and limited flowering periods.

Heliconia is a fast, vigorous outdoor grower in tropical regions.

Common Name Heliconia, lobster claw, false bird-of-paradise
Botanical Name Heliconia spp.
Plant Type Tropical perennial
Toxicity Nontoxic to cats and dogs (may cause mild stomach upset)
heliconia plant

The Spruce / Gyscha Rendy

lobster claw plant

John Lawson / Getty Images

Can You Grow Heliconia Inside?

Only a handful of heliconia species are cultivated for indoor care. This plant is very particular about its growing conditions and requires lots of bright, indirect light and warm temperatures.

Give it a spot near a west-facing or south-facing window, or supplement natural light with a grow light. You'll need plenty of space to grow heliconia, as many species can grow very large, up to 15 feet tall.

Consider a dwarf cultivar like a parrot heliconia (Heliconia psittacorum), which tops out between 18 inches and 3 feet tall at maturity.

How to Grow Heliconia Indoors


When grown as houseplants, give heliconia the brightest indirect light you can for at least eight to ten hours daily. Without adequate light, your heliconia will not flower.

Choose a southern or western window and rotate the plant periodically so all the foliage gets even exposure to light.

Artificial Light

You will need to supplement with full-spectrum LED grow lights if the plant does not get at least eight hours of sunlight each day, especially if you experience shorter days during the winter season.

Temperature and Humidity

Heliconia plants are native to tropical forests, so they prefer warm, relatively humid conditions. Temperatures of 70°F and above are ideal. As with light, the plant won't flower if its environment isn't warm and humid enough.

Run a humidifier near your plant to increase moisture, especially in dry regions or during the winter months. Brown tips and margins on leaves are signs the plants need higher humidity.


Heliconia requires ample, regular water to thrive, but plants also need good drainage. Use tepid water, not cold.

Avoid soggy soil, but be sure to keep the soil from drying out completely between waterings. Plants subjected to drought will experience leaf-browning, especially along the leaf margins.

Air Circulation

Since heliconia can be prone to fungus growth, it's essential to provide adequate air circulation from a ceiling or oscillating fan.

Keep some space between heliconia foliage and other plants. Use stakes to keep foliage from flopping on the soil, which can lead to fungal growth.


Feed heliconia with a liquid houseplant fertilizer diluted to half strength every couple of weeks throughout the growing season.

For flowering, you want a fertilizer with a higher phosphorus content. A bone meal supplement can help add phosphorus and strengthen root systems.

Pruning and Maintenance

Remove spent flowers and stems as they fade. As new shoots appear at the soil level, it's a good idea to remove the old flowering stems.

Moisten a soft cloth and wipe any accumulated dust from the plant's leaves about once a week.


Hummingbirds pollinate heliconia plants in the wild. Indoors, these plants can be pollinated by hand, but replicating the process isn't easy.

Researchers have found that one heliconia species resisted pollination in the lab, only allowing certain species of hummingbirds to pollinate it while sipping nectar from its blossoms.

Container and Size

Medium-sized pots around 12 to 14 inches in diameter are a good size for heliconias. Make sure it's planted in a pot with several drainage holes.

Larger pots can cause the plant to focus more on growing upward and making more foliage. However, you may need a larger, heavier pot to prevent a tall or top-heavy plant from falling over.

Potting Soil and Drainage

Use a rich, peat-based potting soil with good drainage for heliconias grown in containers. These plants can quickly develop root rot in overly wet soil.

An even mixture of orchid bark and peat moss or coconut coir makes an ideal potting soil.

Potting and Repotting Heliconia

It's best to repot heliconia in early spring at the start of the growing season, generally every two years or so. Though fast-growing, these plants don't mind being slightly pot-bound and might grow better in a tighter pot.

Plants will clump over time, so divide adult plants to increase your collection and keep them manageable.

During repotting time, divide the rhizome (with at least two growing nodules) into pieces and plant them in separate pots to propagate this plant.

Moving Heliconia Outdoors for the Summer

Bring heliconia outdoors in summer when night temperatures are consistently above 60°F. It's essential to slowly acclimate this indoor plant to a brighter outdoor environment.

Keep the plant in deep shade for two-hour increments for the first couple of days, then gradually add a few more hours outdoors in the shade every few days.

After that, gradually introduce your heliconia to dappled shade.


Ensure that outdoor temperatures remain above 60°F when keeping plants outside. Heliconia can likely survive a light frost for a few hours, but you risk killing the plant.

It can also endure hot, 90°F temperatures, but it needs lots of water and dappled shade protection to thrive in those conditions.

Once your plant is acclimated to the outdoors, choose a spot where it will receive dappled shade for at least eight hours each day. Note that if the spot is too shady, the plant will grow taller in an attempt to reach more light.

Keep the plant out of direct sunlight to prevent burning its delicate leaves, which can reduce its growth and overall vitality.

When to Bring Heliconia Back Inside

Keep an eye on night temperatures in the fall. When they're in the 60s, start acclimating your plant to its winter environment over a few weeks. Your plant should be ready to come indoors full-time before night temperatures reach 55°F—if there's a sudden cold snap coming up, it's best to bring the plant inside regardless.

Use the same technique of slowly introducing its new environment for a few hours each day to alleviate plant stress. Consider running a humidifier in your space since most indoor environments are drier than outdoors, especially during the winter.

Carefully inspect your plant for insects before bringing it indoors. Use water from the hose to spray off any bugs on leaves and stems.

Dunk the pot in a bucket or tub of water for ten to 15 minutes to push out insects that may be living in the soil. Deal with any insect problem before bringing it inside.

  • Can you grow heliconia in water?

    Heliconia requires a rich, well-drained potting mix that stays moist without holding excess water, which can cause root rot.

  • Can you trigger heliconia to bloom?

    Heliconia takes at least two years to bloom. To encourage flowering, introduce bone meal fertilizer once in the spring and fertilize regularly with liquid houseplant fertilizer during the growing season. Giving the plant at least eight hours of sunlight, warm temperatures, and higher-than-average humidity can also encourage blooming.

  • Are heliconia fruits edible?

    Heliconias develop blue-black fruits at the end of the growing season. These fruits are not edible by humans, but birds eat them and spread the internal seeds. Pick the ripe fruits, allow the flesh to dry away, clean the seeds, and plant them.

  • Is it easy to propagate heliconia?

    Propagate heliconia by dividing and replanting rhizomes during repotting. Division can lead to better growth and faster flowering than planting from seed. When growing from seed, scarify the seeds to speed up the germination process. Plant them in trays with seed starter mix in a bright location but out of direct sunlight. Keep the starter mix moist.